What is the significance of the number sequence 2, 3, 5?
(a) first three prime numbers
(b) 699th, 700th, and 701st digits of pi
(c) head position for high arm
(d) bank pin number of the ex-dictator of Egypt
non-answer: (d)
ChainEs: ie: the Russian ruble game
-step 1 is not the first turn; thus
-do not overcross step 1; let following leg follow with less energy
-hip out at step 1 like ice skater coming to a quick stop; this is the launch
-means "balloon" in French
-in ballet, refers to the ability of the dancer to sustain a jump in the air
-every jump, no matter how small, must be carried out with this quality of ballon; functionally speaking, the longer a jump is held, the more time the audience has to receive the image
-eg: in ballotE (a move that is like as pas de chat b/c feet cross in air), the quality of ballon gives the illusion of floating
-in general, changing the configuration of the body while in flight masks the descending portion of a jump's trajectory, thus creating the illusion of floating