-let the arm lead the gaze; do not look through the arm
-erase the mirror; redraw the fermE front, back, and side
-be ready to move: lean slightly forward, expand space in front of sternum
-warped syllogism: ballerinas lean upper torso slightly more forward than the average human being; the average human being leans farther back than the ideal human being; therefore, all living human beings should lean their upper torso slightly forward
-heehee! babies learning to walk! silly creatures! But that is what we are...a matter of building strength in the abdominal wall through continual practice; eliminate the lumbar curve-- which deepens as hips tip forward-- by tucking tailbone back under; sensation is of everything from below belly button on up zipping up into a very tight vest
-assemblE jumps: what did we say about the epaulement? Nothing. Shoulders are not the featured action. The shoulders soften the featured action of the legs/feet.
-croisE and ecartE assemblEs across the floor; foot slides through first in ecartE assemble; again, let the arm lead the gaze; look up, not into arm
-go through the ball of the foot in each tendu
-all 8 essential barre exercises: pliE, battement tendu, battement jetE, rond de jambe, fondu, frappE, adagio, grand battement