Monday, February 14, 2011

plier, etendre, jeter, glisser, relever, elancer, tourner, sauter, plier, etendre, jeter, glisser, relever, elancer, tourner, sauter plier etendre jeter glisser relever elancer tourner sauter plier etendre jeter glisser relever elancer tourner sauter plie etendre jeter glisser relever elancer tourner sauter plieretendrejeter glisserreleverelancertournersauterplieretendrejeter glisserreleverelancer

-8 essential movements of classical dance: Deborah, Ellen, Margaret, Megan, Jeannie, Mary, Angie, and Sarah (note: the last two are interchangeable...for obvious reasons)
-ballet did not spring out of a cave fully formed and immutable; that was Athena of ancient Greek fame
-dance is music without sound; bodies are the instruments of expression, and eyes are the receivers of the music; that said,
-in music, notes without rhythmic structure is about as meaningful as an alphabet without an associated language; that is to say, it is utterly meaningless; thus, we must learn to associate rhythmic structure with the actual steps; the hills are alive with soundless music
-in pirouettes, internalize grounding site in torso, not arm
-turns w/ jetE: good ballet posture leads to stability
-good ballet posture: tuck under, zip up, rib cage, sternum, lean forward, arms forward