Teaching is the act of revealing a magician's secrets. Ballet, like magic, exploits the human perception process. However, its tricks are no mere sleights-of-hand. As well, the mind and body are connected, yet distinct entities. Comprehension in the mind does not automatically translate to comprehension in the body. You may know it, but it takes work to KNOW it. Otherwise, physicists would make the greatest dancers. Imagine the injustice: the greatest minds are also the greatest athletes-- "the athletes of God"! That this is generally not the case is proof that there is some justice in this existence. I use the term "proof" loosely. Onward:
-fouette is a study in double rotation. Other examples of double rotation: 4th port-de-bras and recovery from back cambre
-use back, not weighted supporting leg, to lift up from 6th port-de-bras; another application of the concept of using an unburdened body part to lift the weight off the burdened body part
-the Newer Method of executing pirouettes
-ideal thought process following a command to "reverse it":
Okay, think: What was the first thing we did? Efface front! Ah yes...
-actual thought process following a command to "reverse it":
WHAAAAAAT? Oh god...oh god he said reverse it! Reverse what? What did we just do? Can't think...How does he have perfect turnout even with those bedroom slippers on? Focus! Okay, think: What was the first thing we did? Efface front! Ah yes...
-grand rond de jambe en l'aire is a subterfuge! The candle needs more space to rotate. A sleight-of-hand involving breaking squareness of hips. The magician diverts the eye by an identical circling action of the arm. The hand speaks volumes, but a bedroom slipper speaks tomes plus the entire Encyclopedia Britannica set from A to Z. It is difficult not to laugh as the bedroom slipper stares me right in the face in all its blue and purple yarniness. And there it goes...a grand rond de yarn, more like.