"...and then we were backstage, where everyone else was chatting, and what was I doing? Chewing my gum..."
Tonight's class was characterized by extreme hilarity.
Which of the following stories lacked a pointe?:
(a) the toilet paper discussion
(b) the hilarious gum story
(c) the account of a ballet called "The unicorn, the gorgon, the manticore, and the spleef"
Answer: (b)
The point of (a) was three-fold: First, if you've ever seen a guy standing in the toilet paper aisle with a calculator in his hand and an Excel-like spreadsheet filled in with the price of every single type of toilet paper on display in that aisle...most likely that was K. Second, Trader Joe's makes K angry, whereas Walgreen's has the best deal on tp. Third, use the toilet paper cached inside the silver cylindrical tube next to the toilet.
The point of (c): You're about to go onstage to dance with a unicorn, a gorgon, and a manticore. Do you really need to smoke a spleef now? Seriously unnecessary...