Thursday, November 4, 2010

How I love Thursday class! And Wednesday, and Monday, and...but especially Thursday!

-answer to the head direction question in pas de basque: Yes, no, yes,, yes, and no. Alas, the exact answer is not expressible under the binary response system
-purpose of grand battements: to learn how to throw with power, but not be thrown off by it; we throw on 1
-in this art form, as much as we are beholden to gravity, we aim to brand the concept of flight-- the image of suspension in mid-air-- into the memory of the audience

Armpit space:

-shrinking of armpit space is a mechanism of protection from the cold, wildebeests, bears, cheetahs, cheetos*, and other frightful beasts of prey; otherwise, maintain pit space
-in particular, use pit space to create "lift" in assembles and other jumps
-the practice of maintaining armpit space begins where?

(a) in assembles
(b) in New Jersey
(c) in the very first exercise at the barre

*mmmm, cheetos...