This evening, ballet class takes place in jail...
-prison-gray walls freshly coated;
-a ghostly white tutu hangs from a wire;
-hands latch onto barres as the bodies
-bend and extend upon command
After class, I incarcerated myself in the dressing room and practiced fourth port de bras while facing the mirror. In the middle of one, I wondered suddenly how differently I would go about my day, should I be stuck in a real prison. The walls do not matter. Should they fall away, I would still stand here doing fourth port de bras. Should they become jagged cliffs, I would do the same. Should all matter go away and I be stuck in deep space nothing, I would keep bending and extending until even I have gone away.
-prison-gray walls freshly coated;
-a ghostly white tutu hangs from a wire;
-hands latch onto barres as the bodies
-bend and extend upon command
After class, I incarcerated myself in the dressing room and practiced fourth port de bras while facing the mirror. In the middle of one, I wondered suddenly how differently I would go about my day, should I be stuck in a real prison. The walls do not matter. Should they fall away, I would still stand here doing fourth port de bras. Should they become jagged cliffs, I would do the same. Should all matter go away and I be stuck in deep space nothing, I would keep bending and extending until even I have gone away.