Thursday, March 17, 2011

A beat-filled class. Beat assemblE. Beat ballonE. Entrechat-six.

Review of how to derive the number of beats in an entrechat:
-for even-numbered entrechats, halving the number gives the number of beats (land on both legs); eg: entrechat-quatre contains 4/2 = 2 beats (land on both legs); in general, for any entrechat-n, where n∈N, the number of beats is given by the formula n/2 (land on both legs)
-for odd-numbered entrechats, subtracting one from the number then using the above rule for even-numbered entrechats gives the number of beats (land on one leg, w/ working leg in coupE); eg: entrechat-cinq contains (5-1)/2 = 4/2 = 2 beats (land in coupE); in general, for any entrechat-n, where n∈N, the number of beats is given by the formula (n-1)/2 (land in coupE)
-"Do something better than what you just did."
-for all morning classes, working our way up to 20 petit allegros in this upcoming season of sunshine, flowers, and allergies; ie: aiming to become superhuman springers this spring
-if Kip could split himself in two to count and cue each group, he would; time to build a carbon duplidifier; N.B.: nurture shapes as much as nature, so his clone may not turnout exactly identical; he might have a less than perfect turnout
-why do we look up? functionally speaking, we look up to target before we jump
-a random moment of admiration for K's philosophical approach to ballet education; through his explanations of the reasons, mechanisms, and causes/effects behind movements, I feel...that I am learning to be a philosopher of ballet rather than just a dancer with muscles trained to react