The face should follow the port-de-bras arm...the face should follow the port-de-bras arm...the port-de-bras arm...port-de-bras arm...port-de-bras arm...
Static poses vs. pure movement:
-in any given combination, each count can be divided into moments of movement and moments of repose
-poses held during moments of repose ("static poses") resonate in the viewer's mind like visual echoes; they are the images that stick with the viewer long after the show is over
-when dancing any combo, aim to make the moments of pure movement grow organically into the static poses you wish to have resonance
-ex: the 3rd port-de-bras has only one moment of repose-- at the very end
-ex: the moment of repose in fondu tendu demi rond occurs at 2nd; the body moves continually into this static pose
Is she dying, or sleeping? Is she withering or rising from a deep repose? Petrifying...or reviving and evolving to fill a great void? Who is she?