You cannot underestimate the effort and force that goes into the grand battement. It is the preparation for grand allegro. It is how you prepare for large leaps and jumps. It is your jump. You must try to split-- it must split. You must take the risk of being thrown off balance and throw with great force. And throw fast. The height you reach on count one is the height of your grand jete.
Symmetric means of egress:
(a) walk out the door labeled "EXIT"
(b) jete out the door labeled "EXIT"
(c) strap on the vacuum jet-pack hiding in the cleaning closet and rocket out through the skylight
(d) hang onto the giant hook hanging just outside the window and reel down via the Stubborn Pulley*
*This last option requires a partner egressor.
A non-denominational, all-encompassing, Hallmarkian "Season's Greetings" to everyone! Hope you didn't mind doing jetes to Jingle Bells this evening.